Breaking News
Sunday, January 31, 2010

Info Post
Last night I received a personal e-mail from Laurie, who owns the new blog She wrote that, my blog was one of her seventeen favorite blogs and I was one of them who had inspired her to follow her dreams. She also wrote that, each of us seventeen bloggers had contributed something special.
THANK YOU LAURIE! I am profoundly grateful, touched and honored:) I'm also thrilled to be included on your new blog.

I går kveld mottok jeg en personlig e-mail fra Laurie, som eier den nye bloggen Hun skrev at, min blogg var en av hennes sytten favorittblogger og at jeg var en av dem, som hadde inspirert henne til å følge sine drømmer. Hun skrev også at, hver av oss sytten bloggere hadde bidradd med noe spesielt.
TUSEN TAKK LAURIE! Jeg er dypt takknemlig, rørt og beæret:) Jeg er også begeistret for for å bli tatt med på din nye blogg.
Here is the sweet letter from Laurie:
To all you talented, imaginative, creative and energetic designers;
I want to personally "Thank You" for the inspiration you have given me to follow my dreams... This new year will bring a new business venture, a new approach to an old business venture and hopefully a new home. Your Blogs are terrific and enjoyed everyday. Each and every one of you have contributed something special. I have included your blogs on my new blog: for any reason you do not want your link here, please feel free to contact me directly and I will remove it immediately. Again, thank you for your special posts I will continue to enjoy them.


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